refrigerating temperature中文什么意思

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  1. In order to investigate the performance of this new cycle , a set of experimental apparatus was designed and setup , a series of experiments using r134a / dmf , r13 + r134a / dmf , r32 + r134a / dmf , and r13 + r134a + r32 / dmf as working fluids respectively were also carried out in this thesis , hi these experiments , this new cycle shows not only its ability to get low refrigerating temperatures but its potential in utilizing low thermal potential energy as driving power
    为了验证理论计算的结果,本文在热力性能分析计算基础上,设计了一套完整的实验装置,搭建了实验台,分别以r134a 、 r13 + r32 + r134a 、不同比例混合的r13 + r134a 、 r32 + r134a进行了一系列的实验,并把实验结果进行了分析和比较。结果表明,新循环能够得到较低的制冷温度,并且在利用低品位热源方面具有潜力。


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